Forums - shadyk's brother teaches MVC2!! Show all 70 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- shadyk's brother teaches MVC2!! ( Posted by insanelee on 09:06:2001 12:42 AM: shadyk's brother teaches MVC2!! that's right! i'm shadyk's brother!! so if ya need any help jus ask i'm sure my brother will join in here and help!!! (well not sure but i'll ask him!!) alrite ppl jus keep the questions comin! peace out! Posted by Visaniti on 09:06:2001 12:46 AM: ok i got question How can I win in MVC2? Posted by ShadyK on 09:06:2001 12:48 AM: sup bro.. ey tell mom to send me my check already! Posted by insanelee on 09:06:2001 01:08 AM: .. . quote: Originally posted by Visaniti ok i got question How can I win in MVC2? four words.. . RUSH THAT SHIT DOWN!! Posted by Visaniti on 09:06:2001 01:13 AM: i can win yea!!!! Posted by diegovaz on 09:06:2001 01:20 AM: have you ever beaten your brother? and can the IM guard break be done mid screen? Posted by GeekBoy on 09:06:2001 01:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by diegovaz have you ever beaten your brother? and can the IM guard break be done mid screen? ] Yes, with j.Fierce, and shadyk is a dumb fuck Posted by diegovaz on 09:06:2001 01:40 AM: quote: shadyk is a dumb fuck are you serious? Posted by PsionicTempest on 09:06:2001 01:40 AM: so alot of shadyk's relatives play mvc2? anyway, you know any flashy sentinel air combos, especially the ones that dont have to be in corner. Posted by insanelee on 09:06:2001 01:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy ] shadyk is a dumb fuck wtf?! oh you dumb fuck i may not kno much about this game (mvc2) but i kno who wins and who doesn't i kno the big names i kno who is dominant and who isn't! i see shadyk (who i proudly call my brother) dominate fools at shgl (shgl being one of the best arcades in usa ; competition wise) ok then i hear of this geekboy, who to my knowledge has done shit in his career! maybe make up some faqs but hell anyone can make faqs! and i do mean anyone!! ur faqs suck !! wtf was the point of ur post?! do you seriously want to start shit with ppl in the gamin community?! b/c i'll tell you that's a biiiiiiiig mistake! you fuckin idiot! Posted by master ken on 09:06:2001 02:33 AM: I know all of the basic Sentinel combos, but how do you, shadyk, play with him against a very good Magneto or a very good BH ? How do you control the space ? and finaly how do you beat Sentinel with Sentinel ? Posted by insanelee on 09:06:2001 02:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by insanelee wtf?! oh you dumb fuck i may not kno much about this game (mvc2) but i kno who wins and who doesn't i kno the big names i kno who is dominant and who isn't! i see shadyk (who i proudly call my brother) dominate fools at shgl (shgl being one of the best arcades in usa ; competition wise) ok then i hear of this geekboy, who to my knowledge has done shit in his career! maybe make up some faqs but hell anyone can make faqs! and i do mean anyone!! ur faqs suck !! wtf was the point of ur post?! do you seriously want to start shit with ppl in the gamin community?! b/c i'll tell you that's a biiiiiiiig mistake! you fuckin idiot! this is comin frm my brother!!shadyk himself! "rush dat SHIT down!!" there ya have it!!elite strategy frm one of the best! Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 09:06:2001 02:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Visaniti ok i got question How can I win in MVC2? hey vinsanity do u play sc? i think i remember playing w/ u in bap...anyways u use skill and strategy and mix it together. minds games aswell as ur extreme amount of skill...if u have it... Posted by TheDarkHayato on 09:06:2001 04:18 AM: :: Holds the mic up high :: So Insanelee, how does it feel to get beaten by one of the best MvC2 players and have a brotherly brawl with him after the game?? lol Seriously, I think your bro's Mag kicks some serious ass. ShadyK's Mags could own me for sure! Anywho...If he made a FAQ on Mags, I think that it would help a LOT, instead of Geekboy's faqs... Peace... Posted by PsionicTempest on 09:06:2001 05:50 AM: i did happen to ask a question in previous reply. plz do answer. Posted by insanelee on 09:06:2001 06:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by PsionicTempest so alot of shadyk's relatives play mvc2? anyway, you know any flashy sentinel air combos, especially the ones that dont have to be in corner. here's my fav! rocket punch, hsf, dash in launch, 1234, fly, throw, short, forward, up rocket punch yea ok buh bye!! Posted by C-klo on 09:06:2001 06:05 AM: hey people whats up C-klo here just to say that ive seen so much of shadys shit and i admire him very much hes one of the reasons people dont play me anymore cause theyre scared of the shaydy way so the just sit back and watch it would be an honor someday to play him and see where i stand up allthough im just a spiral, sentinal, magneto using scrub from wisconsin it would be awesome just to have a match win, loose, or embaress it would just be great for the love of the game well anyway he also inspired me and a friend of mine to now come out with our own combo vid so that should be out in the near future just look for the names C-klo or Nedo in the future if you happen to glance and see the names do me a favor and check it out well much luv to all you and much luv mid-west Peace Posted by PsionicTempest on 09:06:2001 06:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by insanelee here's my fav! rocket punch, hsf, dash in launch, 1234, fly, throw, short, forward, up rocket punch yea ok buh bye!! is that corner only? and can i repeat the throw, short... part? thats it, what combo would you do from guardbreak of j.hp? plz answer both ??'s Posted by C-klo on 09:06:2001 06:31 AM: heres a nice sentinal corner combo if you wanted one hit the drone super in corner then run up and launch lp,lk,lp grab with fp then as they're falling lp,mp, and air super it does about 80% good luck Peace Posted by master ken on 09:06:2001 06:56 AM: I thought that this thread was supposed to teache Mvc2 Posted by ShadyK on 09:06:2001 07:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by PsionicTempest is that corner only? and can i repeat the throw, short... part? thats it, what combo would you do from guardbreak of j.hp? plz answer both ??'s After j. hp guardbreak, do short, forward, up rocket punch, throw, etc. if they tech, just fly up and throw again and repeat. Posted by xenothrope on 09:06:2001 07:44 AM: wow. heh i just recently learned about this kickazz site and im pimpin it out like candy to everybody i meet. whats more i found out that i live only about an hour away from PAGL so ill be there (hopefully thurs.) and test my metel against some of the talent there. maybe ill meet alex vale (my hero!) -xeno Posted by Blackheart2097 on 09:06:2001 12:56 PM: stop with shadyk's whole fucking family already!! next thing u know "shadyk's uncle sarah teaches sentinel" stop with that stupid shit already Posted by suddenkamikaze on 09:06:2001 01:17 PM: Just curious, can Clockw0rk beat ShadyK?? Posted by Sabin on 09:06:2001 02:04 PM: hahah insanelee said 1234...hes been playing too much tekken Is shady really your brother? Posted by MagStormPsy4EvA on 09:06:2001 04:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by insanelee this is comin frm my brother!!shadyk himself! "rush dat SHIT down!!" there ya have it!!elite strategy frm one of the best! One of the best? He sure didn't show that at B5. And dont gib me that "no losers bracket" bullshit. If shady used mag at b5 (and he probably did) he was sure to fail, well because his magneto is way too fucking predictive. he uses to many tech-hittable rollable mashable combos. And it's true. If you had a magneto like justin wongs with random throwing and only corner tempesting (a little harder to mash out of) he would have gotten at least in the top 15. Posted by JaHa on 09:06:2001 07:22 PM: shut up ur a nobody and get off the 15 year old kids dick Posted by MeelJ on 09:06:2001 08:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa shut up ur a nobody and get off the 15 year old kids dick lol, yeah get off his wong... Posted by dhalsim on 09:06:2001 08:45 PM: lol haha because or shady k's bro u can teach mvc2? hmmm Rush that shit down? wtf thanks for the help. u prob cant even beat shady k. hmmm teaches mvc2. tell mom to send me my check ehhh? lol gets money from his mother. jus to make my point because your shady ks bro u think u can say i teach mvc2. when u havent taught shit. you jus hidn behind your brother. insanelee lame thread because you know nothing. try posting in the Evil begainer needs help thread u will find your place there Posted by ShadyK on 09:06:2001 09:14 PM: do people not know what a joke is? stupid fucks. Posted by kenryuakuma on 09:06:2001 10:18 PM: fdsfa three drilliant expert Magneto player are Genji, Justin Wong, ShadyK, can you guy help me with the infinite of Magneto's(MvC2), so please help me out if you do. The setup is like (Throw hk, after that Dash in and then hit, and then manual(super) jump, then dash down and hit Hp(doesn't hit the opponent) then, again repeat (manual jump, dash down hp, then, i just got this infinite from Genji's video, but actually i don't how to do, (i do mean the timing) what i got right now is just the dashdown. so after the dashdown i can't do anything(i mean i can't hit the opponent with the other,, so it whiff my Hp) Posted by insanelee on 09:07:2001 12:21 AM: yes i hide behind my brother.. . so wht? i'll beat yo asses in tekken! that's fo sho.. . sim: you an idiot.. . Posted by Visaniti on 09:07:2001 12:26 AM: thanks to shadyk's brother I am wining in mvc2 now......thanx insanelee for the great advice. Posted by BarrelO on 09:07:2001 12:31 AM: Wow. Rush that shit down. To think, I had been wasting all this time practicing and shit when in reality the secret to dominating lay in four magical words. It all makes sense now. Can I be Shady's brother too? Posted by dhalsim on 09:07:2001 02:51 AM: Shadyk the only joke around here is your brother. 2nd Insanlee i will own you for free at tekken. Posted by insanelee on 09:07:2001 02:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by dhalsim Shadyk the only joke around here is your brother. 2nd Insanlee i will own you for free at tekken. ay . .. since ur in fresno and i'm in nor cal.. . swing by svgl.. . i'll play you tekken for money! yes mooooooooooooney!!!! du ma.. . du siiiiiiiiiiet.. . Posted by dhalsim on 09:07:2001 02:58 AM: i don have a lincense idiot. u come to fresno. Posted by insanelee on 09:07:2001 03:06 AM: dude ur gay.. . GAY! you think i have a license?! i can beat you ass in tekken.. . i guarantee it!!!!! but if do go to fresno where the fuck is there to play?! that place is ghetto.. . GHETTO!.. . Posted by ShadyK on 09:07:2001 03:07 AM: i went to fresno earlier this year and mopped all of these fools at a nickel arcade. i got like 42 wins with mag/sent/psy and then my friend had to beat me off the machine. then i used spiral/cable/sentinel and got like 8 wins and some scrub got mad and did the ruby heart glitch and crashed the game. fresno people are fucken scrubs. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 09:07:2001 04:11 AM: Hella Jewish? WTF? Posted by anton on 09:07:2001 04:15 AM: come back down here again.. see if you can still win..i wasnt there to play you.. Posted by Warlock on 09:07:2001 04:22 AM: Mr Shadyk, I like all other magneto users looked up to you, well untill now, I appreciated your style of play, one hell fast Magneto, well when you doubt us, and talk about us, you lose our respect. we haven't played as long as you, but were ok, you know why? because when you put every ounce of your soul into training and fighting, and becoming better at the game. when you make sacrifices in your own life, to get to be as good as the B5 type players. when you make that sacrifice, and you play and play and play, and then one of the "great ones" shows up, and you get taken out, what does that make you want to do?, it makes you want to play even harder. it motivates you, you want to prove them wrong. we will someday be as good as you, we will be the ones at the next tournement so you better watch your ass, cause you might get taken out, we are far from scrubs,and we'll see you at the next srk tourney Posted by ShadyK on 09:07:2001 04:25 AM: Okay, sorry. I meant those fools at that particular Nickel arcade. The one's who kept sayin "stop usin ur assist! Assists are no fun!" etc etc. Then some dood does the ruby heart glitch and says he won. I didn't direct my post to ALL fresno peeps, I'm sure all of you aren't dicks like that guy. Posted by L337Shizumaru on 09:07:2001 04:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShadyK i went to fresno earlier this year and mopped all of these fools at a nickel arcade. i got like 42 wins with mag/sent/psy and then my friend had to beat me off the machine. then i used spiral/cable/sentinel and got like 8 wins and some scrub got mad and did the ruby heart glitch and crashed the game. fresno people are fucken scrubs. correction: Fresno Nickel Arcade people are fucken scrubs. mr. shadyk, if you happen to find time in your busy schedule to drive back down to fresno to nickel arcade, we'll be there. we'll show you that we aren't really scrubs. nickel players are ass, and they use gay rules like no assist or no chipping. thats why most of us own those bitches. like i said, if you can find time, most of us would like to have a match with you. Posted by anton on 09:07:2001 04:27 AM: any muther fucker here in fresno who says "dont use assist" is fukin gay... Posted by Warlock on 09:07:2001 04:35 AM: I wasn't there to see the slaughter, I was camelot, so was anton, and void, I bet it was dhalsim who glitched it. I'd like to see you play in person, I probably wouldn't do alot, but, I bet anton could put up one hell of a fight. like I said some day man, some day Posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| on 09:07:2001 04:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShadyK do people not know what a joke is? stupid fucks. ShadyK, you should take this to They would appreciate it more. Since all is mostly scrubz, except for some. Posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| on 09:07:2001 04:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShadyK do people not know what a joke is? stupid fucks. ShadyK, you should take this to They would appreciate it more. Since all is mostly scrubz, except for some. Posted by anton on 09:07:2001 06:01 AM: shady.. come to fresno ..there is a good number of players here that may be able to hang wif you.. not sure though..never played any top players like u guys.. Posted by DarthSalamander on 09:07:2001 06:13 AM: Why don't the Fresno people go play at where ShadyK's does. Generally the person with something to prove or who wants to challenge makes the trip, not the other way around. Otherwise, ShadyK, please come to Texas. Posted by insanelee on 09:07:2001 06:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by iRoNMaN!|LiU| ShadyK, you should take this to They would appreciate it more. Since all is mostly scrubz, except for some. this is my joke!! MY THREAD!!! Posted by dhalsim on 09:07:2001 06:45 AM: Lol shady k u must be talk about Sac the rubyheart glitch guy. we was prob w/ his riend nong. i wasnt there to beat you that night ^_^ and shady ks bro is the 1 challengeing me lol hope on shadys mobile and come back. it wont be so easy now that decent players will show up. lol so funny i got all of team fresno in volved. come back shagy k ^_^ j/k we good manner sorry bout those nickle players they scrubs. dont worry bout em Posted by wokness on 09:07:2001 06:52 AM: /me touches ShadyK. Okay back off everyone, he’s mine, I am gonna get some MvC2 skill so I don’t get owned by random 8 year old kids when I play it like once a month a SVGL. Posted by insanelee on 09:07:2001 07:10 AM: uh jus for the record i challenged you to tekken.. . ok that is all. .. Posted by MrWizard on 09:07:2001 08:05 AM: i dunno about this game, doesnt even have shadow lady. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Posted by Damage2001 on 09:07:2001 08:15 AM: i would play shady k at SHGL ))) with my IM doom Psy team or Ckye but of course im not famous and and shit... but i will be at the next tourney at SHGL btw... this has nothin to do with this Thread ^_^ Posted by SSF2T on 09:07:2001 08:33 AM: You know... I sit here... I read the posts... then all of a sudden insanelee says something about a guy in "Fresno"... the I say, "What the Hell!" Run up one post, look at the location, and it does say Fresno. So I laugh for a while. Then... I read about someone saying Fresno is a "Ghetto" place. So I say, "Umm... ok sure." Then I read some more, then I notice some other posts, which have guys from Fresno. Which now it gets more interestion. Then a few more, then I find one about Shadyk coming up to Fresno. So I'm like "What the Fuck... the famous Shadyk, here? In Fresno?" At some Nickel Place... that must have been Nickel's Arcade. Anyways, he calls them all scrubs. So I'm like... "Umm... ok sure." I read more, so I decide to post. So Shadyk. When did you come up to my HomeTown. Can you give a date when you were here? And Fresno guys... one of you guys are a little white kid... the question is... who is he. Then the next question is... who are the other two? And where do you play? Oh yeah... another thing. Shadyk, if you ever come up here again, give a shout. Because I'll glady let you give me a run for my money. Wait a minute, that didn't come out right. And Fresno guys, I play a Nickel's Arcade every once in a while... if you want to meet up there sometime, pick a day, I have all the time in the world to waste. Posted by anton on 09:07:2001 02:40 PM: what is your name? Posted by dhalsim on 09:07:2001 02:43 PM: ywa ywa i am the good white kid your talking about. we have fresno thread post there to meet up. also bout 10 of us going to nickle arcade saturday Posted by *Magneto* on 09:07:2001 05:38 PM: whats better shadyK: BH or CapCom? Posted by sabretooth on 09:08:2001 08:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by MagStormPsy4EvA One of the best? He sure didn't show that at B5. And dont gib me that "no losers bracket" bullshit. If shady used mag at b5 (and he probably did) he was sure to fail, well because his magneto is way too fucking predictive. he uses to many tech-hittable rollable mashable combos. And it's true. If you had a magneto like justin wongs with random throwing and only corner tempesting (a little harder to mash out of) he would have gotten at least in the top 15. If Justin used Mags at B5, he wouldn't go far too. he was losing pretty bad several times before and during the toruney with his mags teams. Storm is the way to go now. Shady's Magneto was the only one good enough to take Valle's team out(Justin could do it with Cable, but not with Mags). What about you? Posted by jhky on 09:10:2001 06:21 PM: Eh? I was supposed to send a check? quote: Originally posted by ShadyK sup bro.. ey tell mom to send me my check already! Posted by PsionicTempest on 09:10:2001 08:11 PM: a question for shadyk(or his 'bro'). i am having problems doing the folowing. ...otg > > XX sj > XX Dash d/f > > \/ c.hp i am getting the magnetic blasts alot of times when i try to do the dash d/f. any pointers, like the timing of when i should dash, how, when or where to point the joystick at what time, etc. any help is greatly appreciated. Posted by Andy on 09:11:2001 04:49 AM: I can not believe I read through this entire thread. I also can't believe I am responding to the thread. Boredom sucks, CvS2 rules. Andy Posted by insanelee on 09:11:2001 06:20 AM: wow! jhky posted.. .*blushes* my thread can now die happy.. . =) Posted by Infiniti on 09:11:2001 06:58 AM: so, whats the name of the song in the Clockwork vs. shadyk 2 vid? Posted by SSF2T on 09:11:2001 07:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by PsionicTempest a question for shadyk(or his 'bro'). i am having problems doing the folowing. ...otg > > XX sj > XX Dash d/f > > \/ c.hp i am getting the magnetic blasts alot of times when i try to do the dash d/f. any pointers, like the timing of when i should dash, how, when or where to point the joystick at what time, etc. any help is greatly appreciated. I'm no ShadyK... or insanelee. But try to go to the point, instead of sliding. Sometimes it seems like you did go to the point, but you actually slided the joystick. Either that, or the game read it as a slide. Posted by diegovaz on 09:11:2001 04:50 PM: when u triangle jump sj. then let the joystick get to nuetral and then dash d/f. of course do it fast and you wont do the magnetic blasts. Posted by TeamFusionSD on 09:22:2001 08:00 PM: sup Shady, i remember that Ruby Heart glitch dood from Fresno came down to our Nickel City, and Lil White Boy Brian kept wooping his ass so he glitched the game then he left ass sore loser Posted by dhalsim on 09:22:2001 08:52 PM: Dont take a bad impression because 1 guy froze the game against you. There are lots of good manner players in fresno. jus not the nickle regs. Post on frenso thread if u ever come back and we will show for sure. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:57 PM. Show all 70 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.